What is Precedence? How is relational and logical operators affected by precedence?

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Precedence refers to the order in which different operators in an expression are evaluated or executed in computing. Understanding precedence is crucial in programming and mathematics because it determines how expressions are parsed and calculated. This ensures that operations are performed in a logical sequence, often resembling the rules of arithmetic.

Operator Precedence

In many programming languages, operators are assigned different precedence levels. Higher-precedence operators are executed before lower-precedence ones. When expressions have operators with different precedence levels, the ones with higher precedence are evaluated first.

Relational Operators

Relational operators are used to compare two values. Common relational operators include:

  • == (equal to)
  • != (not equal to)
  • < (less than)
  • <= (less than or equal to)
  • > (greater than)
  • >= (greater than or equal to)

In most programming languages, relational operators typically have lower precedence than arithmetic operators (like addition and multiplication). This means that an expression containing both types of operators will evaluate the arithmetic operations first before comparing the results.


result = 5 + 3 > 6

In this case, 5 + 3 is calculated first (resulting in 8), and then the comparison 8 > 6 is evaluated (resulting in True).

Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to combine multiple boolean expressions. The most common logical operators include:

  • && (logical AND)
  • || (logical OR)
  • ! (logical NOT)

Logical operators also have different precedence. Generally, logical NOT (!) has higher precedence than logical AND (&&), which in turn has higher precedence than logical OR (||). Therefore, the NOT operator will be evaluated first, followed by AND, and then OR.


a = true
b = false
result = a || b && !a

In this expression:

  1. First, !a is evaluated (resulting in false).
  2. Then, b && false is evaluated (resulting in false).
  3. Finally, true || false evaluates to true.


The order of operations (precedence) plays a significant role in how expressions involving relational and logical operators are evaluated. Understanding operator precedence allows programmers to predict and control the flow of expression evaluations accurately, thereby avoiding unintended outcomes. To ensure clarity, especially in complex expressions, it is often a best practice to use parentheses to explicitly define the intended order of operations.