what is positive and negative space in art

1 answer

In art, positive space and negative space are fundamental concepts that help to define the composition of a piece.

Positive Space:

  • Definition: Positive space refers to the areas in a work of art that are occupied by subjects or objects. This is where the main focus of the artwork lies—essentially, the forms that are intended to draw the viewer's attention.
  • Examples: In a painting of a tree, the tree itself would be considered positive space. In a sculpture, the material or shape that is actually present is positive space.

Negative Space:

  • Definition: Negative space, on the other hand, refers to the space that surrounds and separates the positive space. It is the background or the void surrounding the objects, which can be just as important in creating the overall composition.
  • Examples: In the tree painting, the sky or ground around the tree is the negative space. In sculpture, the empty spaces around and between the forms are considered negative space.


  • Balance: The interplay between positive and negative space creates a balance in the composition, influencing how the viewer perceives the artwork.
  • Emphasis and Depth: Negative space can enhance the emphasis on the positive space, and it can contribute to a sense of depth and three-dimensionality in two-dimensional works.
  • Visual Interest: Artists often manipulate both types of space to create visual interest, guiding the viewer's eye and affecting the overall mood of the piece.

Understanding and effectively utilizing both positive and negative space can greatly enhance the impact and clarity of an artwork.