Pathetic appeal, also known as pathetic fallacy, is a literary device in which human emotions or characteristics are attributed to inanimate objects, natural phenomena, or animals. It is a form of personification that creates a connection between the emotional state of the speaker or protagonist and the surrounding environment.
By attributing human emotions to non-human entities, pathetic appeal enhances the emotional impact of a scene or adds depth to a character's feelings. It can create a sense of unity between the inner emotional state and the outer world, evoking empathy or emphasizing the mood of a particular situation.
For example, if a character is feeling sad, the weather may be described as gloomy or rainy, reflecting the character's melancholy mood. Similarly, a calm and peaceful nature scene may mirror a character's contentment or inner tranquility.
Pathetic appeal often highlights the relationship between humans and nature, depicting the influence of external surroundings on human emotions and actions.
What is pathetic appeal?
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