B — no. Those bombs were used only to end it.
Look at a map of Europe, and you'll see why it was fought mostly on land and in the air.
Look at a map of the Pacific, and let me know what you decide.
What is one way that the war in Asia was different from the war in Europe?
A. The war in Asia was fought mostly by naval forces.
B. The war in Asia was fought mostly by atomic weapons.
C. The allies lacked the technology to fight effectively in Asia.
D. The Allies lacked strong leaders in the fight in Asia.
I think its B, but i could be wrong i would appreciate it if someone could help.
6 answers
Okay i look at both of the maps and It's A because Asia is closer to water, it wouldn't be C or D because The Allies did have technology to fight, and The Allies had strong leaders in the fight too.
A is correct.
Scroll down a bit and look at the map on this site:
Scroll down a bit and look at the map on this site:
Now that i read it, it makes more since then B, Thanks for the help!