What is one way that "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand” contrasts with "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida”?

The Maori myth features courage, but the Haida myth does not.
The Maori myth features community, but the Haida myth does not.
The Maori myth features the gods, but the Haida myth does not.
The Maori myth features deception, but the Haida myth does not.

The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida
In the spirit world, the trickster god Raven grew bored. He decided to leave and fly over the earth, but he found it was in total darkness. The selfish Sky Chief had been hoarding daylight from the world. Raven wanted to be able to see the earth as he flew over it, so he decided to play a trick on the chief and steal the light. Raven crept into the chief’s dwelling. He appeared as a baby, with raven hair and black eyes. The chief’s daughter adopted the child, never knowing that he was in fact Raven the trickster.

The daughter loved the child, but soon the baby began to cry. The Sky Chief did whatever he could to comfort his new grandson, but the baby was inconsolable. Finally, to appease the child, he gave him a small box to play with. Raven, as the baby, tumbled and tossed the box until it fell open. Whoosh! The stars flew up through the smoke hole in the ceiling, settling in the night sky.

The chief was very upset, but was able to recover, as they were only stars and not very luminous. But in no time the baby grew bored again, and shrieked violently. Finally, the chief gave the child another box to entertain him. Raven, disguised as the baby, began to play even more wildly with this second box. He tumbled it hard, and again it fell open. The moon spilled from the box, and in excitement the child tossed it high into the sky.

The chief tried to catch the moon before it escaped, but it was too late. He resolved not to let the child have anything else to play with. Instead, he decided, his daughter would just have to give the child to another woman. But the daughter refused. She had grown to love the baby, despite his irritable behavior. Once again, the child became bored and wailed profusely, his black eyes flashing mischievously like a raven’s. The chief did everything he could think of to calm the child.

Nevertheless, the baby cried on, and pointed at a third box in the corner. Before the chief could move, his daughter handed the child this new toy to play with. This time, knowing the treasure that lay inside, the child turned back into Raven, who snatched the box in his beak and flew up through the smoke hole in the ceiling. Once away from the Sky Chief, Raven released the Sun from its confinement. Light shone across the entire earth, illuminating mountains, rivers, and oceans. Raven no longer had to fly through the dark.

But in Raven’s travels, he saw that there was no one to take care of the earth. He landed on a beach and stopped to think about how to solve this problem. Then he saw a huge clam shell. It seemed to be making noise! Curious, Raven approached and saw a group of tiny creatures in the shell. When they saw Raven, they huddled together and tried to hide. Raven opened his beak and sang a beautiful song, calming the creatures in the shell. Then, using his powerful talons, he opened the shell and released the first human beings.

The men were hungry and thirsty, but there was no food on the large sandy beach, and the salt water just made them thirstier. Determined to take care of the men he had found, Raven flew to find them provisions. When he returned, he gave them almost everything they would ever need. Still, Raven could tell the men were not truly happy. They did not have companions to join them in caring for the earth. So Raven, wise and determined, searched the earth and sea until he found a group of women trapped inside a chiton. He brought them to the men. The two groups of humans fit well together, and Raven became very protective of his people. Though he still played a trick every now and then, Raven always cared and provided for them. Ever since, Raven has been the mediator between the human world and the spirit world, between life and what comes after.

The Māori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand
At the beginning of time, the Sky Father and Earth Mother were locked in a tight embrace that bound Earth and Sky together, leaving no space in between. Sky was not separate from Earth or Sea. Rangi, the Sky Father, held his beloved, Papa, and together they bore many sons who were not human, but rather elements of nature. These sons loved their parents, but Rangi and Papa’s embrace was so tight that they had no space to move or to lead their lives. They lay in the darkness, constricted and unhappy.

Tū, the first son, decided that he and his brothers must act. “We should kill our parents,” he suggested, for he was the god of war. “It will be difficult, but it is the only way we can truly be free!” The others began to assent to this plan, but Tāne, the god of forests and birds, stopped them. “We cannot do this,” he said. “Rangi and Papa are our parents. They have created us, made us who we are. Let us pry them apart, let them live, but make ourselves free. The Sky Father will watch us from above, while the Earth Mother nourishes us from below.”

Though Tū was not satisfied, the others liked this plan of action, and proceeded to try with all of their might to separate their parents. Rongo, the god of cultivated food and the harvest, pushed with all his might but could not budge his parents even an inch. Their love was strong, and such bonds are extremely difficult to break. His brothers Tangora, the god of the sea, and Haumia, the god of wild and uncultivated foods, joined him and offered their own strength. Together the three heaved with all of their might, straining the sinews of their arms until they collapsed in a heap, totally exhausted. Then Tū tried with all his might, using all of his ferocious strength until he fell to the ground with his brothers.

“It is impossible!” cried Tū. “We should kill them. There is no other way to be free.”

“Not yet, brother,” said Tāne. “Let me try.” The god of forests and birds wedged himself between Rangi and Papa, his back to Papa and his feet against Rangi. Using his legs, he began to move the way trees grow in the forest. Slowly but surely, he pushed his legs upward until his parents were wrenched apart. Papa fell and became the Earth, while Rangi rose up to become the sky above. Light flooded into the world that had been created between Rangi and Papa. The brothers rejoiced, and were amazed to find that in the dark, they had birthed many children—the first humans! These offspring fell to Papa, and were warmly received by the earth, their new home. Tāne, wanting to honor his father above, adorned Rangi with stars.

However, one brother was enraged at the separation. Tawhiri, the god of weather and storms, was furious. He saw how terribly sad Papa and Rangi were to be torn apart. He saw the tears of rain that fell from Rangi. Tawhiri raged, and sent hurricanes and sea swells to fight against his brothers. Tāne was driven to hide in his forests, which Tawhiri destroyed with horrible floods. Tangora was thrown into the sea, where he was attacked by the wind and lightning. Rongo and Haumia took refuge in the earth, shielding themselves in Papa’s embrace. As a result, Rongo became the god of agriculture and Haumia became the god of wild plants. Caring for the earth, these brothers remained hidden in Papa’s arms.

The only brother to stand up to Tawhiri was Tū, the fearsome god of war. They battled against each other for days, causing all of the humans to hide in fear. These wars escalated: Tawhiri violently attacked Tū with all of his might, but Tū was able to stand firm against the wind and water. Then Tū became angry and unleashed his own attack, defeating Tawhiri, who escaped to his father in the sky.

In subduing Tawhiri, Tū created peace in the heavens and the earth. Stopping to think, he considered the actions that had led to this war, and became angry at his brothers for fleeing into hiding when Tawhiri attacked. In his anger, Tū chopped down the forests to find Tāne and threw him into a basket. Next, Tū searched out Haumia and Rongo by digging into the soft earth, and put them in the basket as well. At last, Tū made nets to capture Tangora’s fish, and lured Tangora into the basket. In a rage, Tū opened his mouth and ate his brothers to punish them for their cowardice. Tū’s descendants became the Māori, the humans who are able to master anything that they decide to conquer: the forest, the sea, the food, and the earth. Only Tawhiri escapes Tū’s wrath, and still today the Māori battle against the hurricanes he sends from above. Even now, Papa and Rangi continue to express their love for one another. When the mist rises from the earth, it moves to Rangi as a measure of Papa’s affection. When dew falls to coat the ground, it is Rangi’s tears for his wife.

11 answers

One key way that "The Māori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand" contrasts with "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida" is that the Māori myth features deception, while the Haida myth does not.

In "The Raven and the First Men," Raven uses deception as a means to achieve his goals, such as disguising himself as a baby to trick the Sky Chief into giving him the light. This trickery is central to the story’s theme of bringing light and life to the world.

On the other hand, in "The Māori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand," the focus is more on themes of courage, conflict, and familial duty, particularly illustrated by Tū’s struggle against his brothers and his eventual act of consuming them out of anger and frustration. While there are conflicts and struggles, the story does not center around deception as a means to an end like in the Haida myth.

Thus, the Māori myth incorporates deception as a significant element, unlike the Haida myth, which is more focused on the actions and the transformations of Raven without the use of trickery to achieve his goals.

To understand the values expressed in a myth, what are the best elements in the story for a reader to consider? Select four options.


To understand the values expressed in a myth, the best elements in the story for a reader to consider are:

  1. Actions - The actions of characters often reveal their values, beliefs, and social norms.
  2. Conflict - The nature of the conflict and how it is resolved can highlight key values and lessons within the myth.
  3. Motivations - Understanding what drives characters to act in certain ways provides insight into their values and the overarching themes of the myth.
  4. Resolution - The way the story concludes can reveal what values are upheld or challenged and what lessons are to be learned.

These elements together offer a comprehensive view of the moral and ethical frameworks reflected in the myth.

Evidence in the myths "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand” and "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida” shows that the Maori and Haida cultures are more

similar than different because they have important values in common.
different than similar because they have such different origins.
similar than different because they both are controlled by their gods.
different than similar because they live in different parts of the world.

2. For a reader to contrast two or more things, the reader must consider how they are


3. Based on a comparison of the myths "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand” and "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida,” if the Maori and the Haida people decided to create a myth together, what would most likely be the value expressed?

the need for freedom
the importance of family
the advantage of cleverness
the significance of individuality

4. From reading "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida,” the reader can tell that the Haida people value family due to the actions of

the baby toward the daughter.
the Sky Chief toward Raven.
Raven toward the Sky Chief.
the daughter toward the baby.

5. Read the passage from "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida.”

Once away from the Sky Chief, Raven released the Sun from its confinement. Light shone across the entire earth, illuminating mountains, rivers, and oceans. Raven no longer had to fly through the dark.

But in Raven’s travels, he saw that there was no one to take care of the earth. He landed on a beach and stopped to think about how to solve this problem.

Read the passage from "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand.”

In a rage, Tû opened his mouth and ate his brothers to punish them for their cowardice. Tû’s descendants became the Mâori, the humans who are able to master anything that they decide to conquer: the forest, the sea, the food, and the earth. Only Tawhiri escapes Tû’s wrath, and still today the Mâori battle against the hurricanes he sends from above.
Read the passage from "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida.”

Once away from the Sky Chief, Raven released the Sun from its confinement. Light shone across the entire earth, illuminating mountains, rivers, and oceans. Raven no longer had to fly through the dark.

But in Raven’s travels, he saw that there was no one to take care of the earth. He landed on a beach and stopped to think about how to solve this problem.

Read the passage from "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand.”

In a rage, Tû opened his mouth and ate his brothers to punish them for their cowardice. Tû’s descendants became the Mâori, the humans who are able to master anything that they decide to conquer: the forest, the sea, the food, and the earth. Only Tawhiri escapes Tû’s wrath, and still today the Mâori battle against the hurricanes he sends from above.

What similarity between the two myths do these passages illustrate?

Both cultures thought sunlight was important.
Both cultures thought courage was important.
Both cultures thought winning was important.
Both cultures thought nature was important.

6. Based on the conclusion of "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida,” the reader can infer that the Haida

were lacking in basic necessities.
had plenty of food and water available.
relied mainly on the ocean for provisions.
waited for the Raven to feed them daily.

7. Read the passage from "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida.”

The men were hungry and thirsty, but there was no food on the large sandy beach, and the salt water just made them thirstier. Determined to take care of the men he had found, Raven flew to find them provisions. When he returned, he gave them almost everything they would ever need.

Still, Raven could tell the men were not truly happy. They did not have companions to join them in caring for the earth. So Raven, wise and determined, searched the earth and sea until he found a group of women trapped inside a chiton. He brought them to the men. The two groups of humans fit well together, and Raven became very protective of his people.

Based on the passage, the Haida had values that

were centered around their physical needs.
encompassed physical and emotional needs.
were centered around caring for the ocean.
encompassed caring for Raven and the ocean.

8. In "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida,” which evidence best helps the reader infer that the Haida might find it acceptable behavior to play tricks on one another?

The story presents Raven’s trick against the Sky Chief in a matter-of-fact manner.
The story presents Raven’s trick against the Sky Chief in a sarcastic manner.
The story presents Raven’s trick against the Sky Chief in an over-the-top manner.
The story presents Raven’s trick against the Sky Chief in a humorous manner.

Here are the answers to your questions based on the myths "The Māori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand" and "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida”:

  1. Evidence in the myths...: more similar than different because they have important values in common. (Both myths reflect themes of creation, the importance of family, and the relationships between humans and their gods.)

  2. For a reader to contrast two or more things, the reader must consider how they are: different (Contrasting involves examining the distinctions between the elements being compared.)

  3. Based on a comparison of the myths...what would most likely be the value expressed?: the importance of family (Both myths emphasize familial relationships, whether through the bonds of creation or conflict.)

  4. From reading "The Raven and the First Men...the reader can tell that the Haida people value family due to the actions of: the daughter toward the baby. (The daughter cares for and loves the baby, reflecting the value placed on family connections.)

  5. What similarity between the two myths do these passages illustrate?: Both cultures thought nature was important. (Both passages highlight the importance of light and the natural world in the context of creation and life.)

  6. Based on the conclusion of "The Raven and the First Men..." the reader can infer that the Haida: were lacking in basic necessities. (The passage mentions the men were hungry and thirsty, indicating a lack of provisions.)

  7. Based on the passage, the Haida had values that: encompassed physical and emotional needs. (The Haida value not just physical provisions but also the emotional aspect of companionship and caring for others.)

  8. In "The Raven and the First Men...which evidence best helps the reader infer that the Haida might find it acceptable behavior to play tricks on one another?: The story presents Raven’s trick against the Sky Chief in a matter-of-fact manner. (This suggests that trickery is an accepted part of Raven's character and the culture being depicted.)

These answers align with the themes and values expressed in the two myths as explored through the questions provided.

70 percent but I PASSED!!!

What similarities exist between the Māori myth and the Haida myth? Check all that apply.

a mother and a father
unhappiness about darkness
an animal character
one or more children
a sky that is separate from the earth

At the beginning of time, the Sky Father and the Earth Mother were locked in a tight embrace that bound the Earth and Sky together, leaving no space in between. Sky was not separate from Earth or Sea. Rangi, the Sky Father, held his beloved, Papa, and together they bore many sons who were not human, but rather elements of nature. These sons loved their parents, but Rangi and Papa’s embrace was so tight that they had no space to move or to lead their lives. They lay in the darkness, constricted and unhappy.

–"The Māori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand”

In the spirit world, the trickster god Raven grew bored. He decided to leave and fly over the Earth, but he found it in total darkness. The selfish Sky Chief had been hoarding daylight from the world. Raven wanted to be able to see the Earth as he flew over it, so he decided to play a trick on the chief and steal the light. Raven crept into the chief’s dwelling. He appeared as a baby, with raven hair and black eyes.

–"The Raven and the First Men – The Beginnings of the Haida”

Here are the similarities that exist between the Māori myth and the Haida myth based on the passages provided:

  1. A mother and a father - Both myths include representations of parent figures; the Māori myth explicitly mentions the Sky Father (Rangi) and Earth Mother (Papa), while the Haida myth features the Sky Chief as a parental figure in a broader sense.

  2. Unhappiness about darkness - Both myths express dissatisfaction with darkness; in the Māori myth, the children of Rangi and Papa are unhappy because they are confined in darkness, while in the Haida myth, Raven is bored and wishes to escape the darkness of the earth.

  3. An animal character - The Haida myth prominently features Raven, an animal character who plays a significant role. While the Māori myth does not have an explicit animal character in the provided passage, it does include elements of nature and could indirectly reference nature-focused figures.

  4. One or more children - The Māori myth mentions the sons of Rangi and Papa. In the Haida myth, while Raven is not a child but a trickster, there is a sense of creation with humans being released to care for the earth, reflecting the idea of offspring.

  5. A sky that is separate from the earth - The Māori myth starts with the Sky Father and Earth Mother being together, but the narrative moves toward them being separated, thus creating the sky and earth as distinct. In the Haida myth, the sky is represented by the Sky Chief, indicating a similar separation.

Considering the content of both myths, the similarities you should check are likely a mother and a father, unhappiness about darkness, and one or more children as the clearest parallels. Depending on how you interpret animal figures and cosmological elements, you might include an animal character and a sky that is separate from the earth as well.

its unhappiness about darkness and a sky that is separate from the earth

which details from the myths support the conclusion that both cultures value children?

supports conclusion. .does not support conclusion

here are the options so you can put the correct ones in.

being aggressive toward parents
children having a role in creation
a child being god of forests
a child misbehaving
raven becoming a baby
stars being created

To determine which details from the myths support the conclusion that both cultures value children, here’s how each option aligns:

  1. Being aggressive toward parents: does not support conclusion. (Aggression does not directly indicate a value for children but rather suggests conflict.)

  2. Children having a role in creation: supports conclusion. (In both myths, children play a crucial role in the creation process, indicating their importance and value.)

  3. A child being god of forests: supports conclusion. (This represents a significant position, showing that children (or the offspring of gods) have important roles in nature and the world, further indicating their value.)

  4. A child misbehaving: does not support conclusion. (While misbehavior can be part of a child's character arc, it does not necessarily indicate value but shows a flaw or lesson.)

  5. Raven becoming a baby: supports conclusion. (Raven’s transformation into a baby shows that even a powerful trickster can take on a form associated with innocence and potential, reflecting the value placed on childhood.)

  6. Stars being created: does not support conclusion. (While the creation of stars is significant, it does not directly relate to the value of children in the narrative context.)

In summary:

  • Supports conclusion: children having a role in creation, a child being god of forests, Raven becoming a baby.
  • Does not support conclusion: being aggressive toward parents, a child misbehaving, stars being created.

Which topic sentence makes the clearest point for a paragraph that compares and contrasts the two myths?

I am going to compare and contrast two myths that come from two very different cultural groups, the Haida and the Māori.
Comparing creation myths from two cultures shows the similarities and differences between the two groups.
Comparing and contrasting creation myths from the Haida and Māori cultures shows the similarities and differences between things that the two cultures value, such as the stars.

The topic sentence that makes the clearest point for a paragraph that compares and contrasts the two myths is:

"Comparing and contrasting creation myths from the Haida and Māori cultures shows the similarities and differences between things that the two cultures value, such as the stars."

This sentence not only indicates that a comparison and contrast will be made, but it also specifies the focus on cultural values, particularly in relation to the creation myths, providing a clearer framework for the ensuing discussion.