What is one of your best self-care strategies? How does it help you?
One of my favorite self-care strategies is making sure that I get 30 minutes of exercise daily. It doesn't have to be one specific thing, but I have to get moving and do it for 30 minutes. This strategy helps me in several ways. First and most obviously, it helps me stay healthy. Second, regardless of how I feel that day, I have never felt worse after exercising. I feel better mentally every single time. Finally, I typically sleep much more soundly when I exercise.
What did you learn about yourself during the self-care self-assessment this week?
If I'm being honest, I didn't learn anything new about myself from this assessment. Self-care has always been my priority, even more so in the last few years. The assessment confirmed that I have prioritized my self-care and considered all the applicable areas of my life that must be addressed.
What are two (2) self-care goals for yourself?
My self-care goals are comprehensive and cover various aspects of my life. They include, but are not limited to, sleeping 7-8 hours, starting my day with water, engaging in physical exercise, practicing meditation, journaling, and consuming healthy meals. These goals are not a checklist for me; they are a lifestyle to which I'm committed.
How will your chosen self-care activities benefit your academic goals?
My self-care activities will continue to support me with school, as they have for my career and life. The things that I have mentioned above keep me alert and focused when I am working. They help me be at my best mentally and physically daily so that I can show up and perform - whether at work or school - to the best of my ability.
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