Specific subjects that have probably already been mentioned.
I could be more precise if I knew the context.
What is meant by 'Designated subjects'
5 answers
What is L.O.?
designated subjects have to be some subjects that were flagged for some specific purpose. You have to rely on content surrounding that term.
<<The king chopped of the heads of the designated subjects, because of their refusal to worship the king.>>
designated subjects have to be some subjects that were flagged for some specific purpose. You have to rely on content surrounding that term.
<<The king chopped of the heads of the designated subjects, because of their refusal to worship the king.>>
is the study of the self in relation of others and to the society
Designated subjects are those subjects that you can not do without.
Designated subjects are those subjects that you can not do without.They help learners with critical thinking and problem solving skills needed to tackle Degree studies successfully.