What is Jim Cummins' "Intervention Model" all about. Present the elements of this model and in your opinion, can it be successful in reversing the history of failure the Puerto Rican children have experienced in the American schools? Illustrate some of the elements of this model, such as cultural and linguistic incorporation, community participation and critical/transformative pedagogy through "El Puente" instructional practices and curriculum (De Jesus, Freire). How does "El Puente" incorporates the language and culture of the community in the school environment? How does "El Puente" promotes critical and transformative pedagogy? (Paulo Freire, Jim Cummins) Discuss why it is important, for student's academic success, that school administrators and teachers understand and respect students' cultural and linguistic differences. How and why bilingual and multicultural programs can make schooling a successful experience for immigrant and Latino students in general and for Puerto Rican students in particular.