What is intellectual property?

12 answers

From the Google search page:


"in·tel·lec·tu·al prop·er·ty
a work or invention that is the result of creativity, such as a manuscript or a design, to which one has rights and for which one may apply for a patent, copyright, trademark, etc."
people's ideas ... things that are patented or copyrighted

devices, software, music, movies, etc
thank you guys!
You're welcome.
ok but what are the answers
1: B
2: A
3: C
4: B
5: D
You're welcome.
thanks ik the answers i got 5/5
@Ik the answers is correct if you're working on 6th grade unit: 6 Lesson: 10.
ik the answers is 100% correct.
1. What is intellectual property?
- intangible ideas
2. Which of the following is considered to be intellectual property?
- pictures or images on the Internet
3. What is a copyright?
- legal protection for the creator of things
4. At what point is an idea protected by copyright?
- when you put it into a tangible form
5. Which of the following is covered by copyright law?
- all of the above (music, books and website content)
Thanks sly I got 100% on the quiz he’s right