The five basic process types are:
1. Job Shop Process: This type of process is used when a product is made in small batches or one-off items. Examples include custom furniture, machine parts, and jewelry.
2. Batch Process: This type of process is used when a product is made in batches of similar items. Examples include food production, pharmaceuticals, and electronics.
3. Assembly Line Process: This type of process is used when a product is made in a continuous flow. Examples include automotive production, appliance production, and clothing production.
4. Continuous Process: This type of process is used when a product is made in a continuous flow with no breaks. Examples include oil refining, chemical production, and paper production.
5. Project Process: This type of process is used when a product is made in a series of steps that must be completed in order. Examples include software development, construction projects, and product launches.
What is different five basic process types discuss briefly with examples?
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