Divide the cost by the number of items to find the price of each item.
$40.80 / 250 = ?
$18 / 100 = ?
What is cheaper:
$40.80 for 250 itmes? OR:
$18 for 100 items?
Thank you veyr much!
4 answers
It depends upon how you define cheaper. IF you mean the cheaper to purchase, obviously $18 is cheaper than $40.80. On the other hand, 40.80/250 = 0.163 per item while the other one costs 18/100 = 0.18 per item. So on a per item basis, the cheaper is the one that costs 40.80 for 250 of the items.
Thank YOU Ms. Sue!!! The difference is 2 cents per item and, if I may steal another minute from you, I wonder if it pays to get the smaller quantity at 0.18? Or the larger quantity at 0.163? Thanks again so much! Aderosa
Whether to pay $0.18 or 0.163 per item depends on the item. Is the item perishable or have a relatively short shelf life? Do you want to store 250 items? For instance, although I intend to use detergent for many years to come, do I really want to store 250 ounces of detergent? Is the container too big to easily handle?