A Boolean operator is a type of logical operator used in computer programming and digital logic. It is named after mathematician and logician George Boole. Boolean operators are used to perform logical operations on one or multiple Boolean values (true or false).
The three basic Boolean operators are:
1. AND operator - represented by the symbol "&&" or the word "and". It returns true only if both operands are true.
2. OR operator - represented by the symbol "||" or the word "or". It returns true if at least one of the operands is true.
3. NOT operator - represented by the symbol "!" or the word "not". It reverses the logical state of its operand, returning true if the operand is false and false if the operand is true.
Boolean operators are commonly used for decision making, filtering data, and controlling logical flow in programs. They allow programmers to create complex conditions and make logical comparisons based on the truth values of the operands.
What is Boolean operator
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