What is Arabia (Muslim): End of the world in Leeming's book: The world of myth: an arthrology 3rd edition in pg. 75-77

1 answer

In Leeming's book, Arabia in Muslim mythology is associated with the end of the world. According to Islamic eschatology, the world will come to an end through a series of events known as the Hour or the Last Day. The Last Day will be marked by the appearance of the Antichrist (Dajjal), the return of Jesus (Isa) who will fight against the Antichrist, the emergence of the Beast (Al-Dabbat al-Ardh), and the blowing of the Trumpet (Sur).

On the Last Day, the dead will be resurrected, and everyone will be brought before Allah for judgment. Those who have led a righteous life will be rewarded with eternal paradise (Jannah), while the sinners will be punished in hell (Jahannam).

Arabia is seen as the site of many significant events leading up to the Last Day. The city of Mecca, for example, is the birthplace of the prophet Muhammad and the location of the Kaaba, the most sacred site in Islam. It is believed that the Last Day will begin in Mecca, and the events of the end of the world will unfold from there.