what is an example of a time that the correlatiom method was used?

7 answers

Several years ago I read about a small study conducted by Indiana University. The researchers gathered all of the 7th graders of a small school and gave them a reading test. The students continued with the same reading course they had been taking -- nothing changed.

Six weeks later the researchers came back and divided the students into two groups. They tested the first group and then called the second group in. This time they told the second group that there would be small prizes (IU sweatshirts, etc.) for those students who had improved their scores the most. Guess what? The second group scored better than the first group, implying that there was a correlation between motivation to do well and actual reading scores.

I don't understand...
I understand sort of the example but im just not getting it i want to try to make up my own example...help!!!!!!!!!
i think i got one thanks
Correlational studies are used to look for relationships between variables.

Another example might be to try two methods of stopping smoking. Which method (variable) is most effective?
A correlational study compares the degree of relationship between changes in one variable as compared to changes in another for a group. An easy example is comparing the age of children to their height. As they get older, their height increases, giving you a positive correlation.

On the other hand, if you compare the winnings of professional golfers with their golf scores, you would get a negative correlation. The lower their scores, the higher their average earnings.

In contrast to the examples of Ms.Sue, correlations are used when you have any two measures on the same group.

I'm sure there have been studies on the correlation between IQ and socioeconomic status.

I hope this helps a little more.
yes very much