What is an example a secondary source a historian might use in a study of the negative effects of the Mongolian Empire on Europe?(1 point)


the eyewitness account of the destruction of Kiev by Giovanni da Pian del Carpine in 1246
the eyewitness account of the destruction of Kiev by Giovanni da Pian del Carpine in 1246 - no response given

the 1353 painting The Battle of Leignitz by an unknown artist
the 1353 painting The Battle of Leignitz by an unknown artist - no response given
an excerpt from The Travels of Marco Polo, written by Marco Polo in 1300 CE

1 answer

An example of a secondary source a historian might use in a study of the negative effects of the Mongolian Empire on Europe is the 1353 painting The Battle of Leignitz by an unknown artist. This is considered a secondary source because it interprets and represents events that occurred earlier and is created after the fact, unlike eyewitness accounts or original documents.