what is an advantage and a disadvantage of using an oil shale?

2 answers

Using it for what, oil extraction? Advantage, it is readily available. Disadvantage, it is low yield, and requires much mechanical force and energy to extract the oil.
"Oil shale has gained attention as an energy resource as the price of conventional sources of petroleum has risen, and as a way to secure independence from external suppliers of energy. The oil shale industry can have a negative impact on the surrounding environments, if the risks associated with it are not managed correctly. Environmental concerns raised over the extraction of shale oil have caused the oil shale industry in some countries to come to a halt. Opposition to the proposed Stuart Oil Shale Project in Australia resulted in its being put on hold in 2004.

Surface-mining of oil shale deposits has the same environmental impacts as those of open-pit mining. In addition, combustion and thermal processing generate waste material, and the atmospheric emissions include carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas. Experimental in-situ conversion processes and carbon capture and storage technologies may reduce some of these concerns in the future, but at the same time they may cause other problems, including groundwater pollution."