Scroll down until you see the Business section. There are a few here that will define "exhibit" in the context of Law.
Let us know what you find.
What is a synonym for exhibit in the sense of law ?
Def: a piece of evidence produced for the court.
Is there none because it doesn't seem like there is any synonyms/ antonyms for this word with this law meaning.
I'm only finding exhibit like display for art , etc.
4 answers
I guess it could be displayed, or produced because it is shown to the jurors.
or submitted
The definition you gave above is the definition of "exhibit" as a NOUN, not a verb.
an exhibit
an affidavit
a pleading
a brief
a paper
a document
Shall I go on? Read through that webpage again, looking ONLY at the nouns, not the verbs.
an exhibit
an affidavit
a pleading
a brief
a paper
a document
Shall I go on? Read through that webpage again, looking ONLY at the nouns, not the verbs.