A school meal is a meal provided to students during school hours, typically at lunchtime, and is designed to offer balanced nutrition to support their growth and learning. School meals can vary widely depending on the country, region, school policies, and available resources, but they often include a combination of food groups such as:
- Fruits and Vegetables: Fresh or canned fruits, salads, and cooked vegetables.
- Proteins: Options may include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, legumes, and nuts.
- Grains: Whole grains like bread, rice, pasta, or cereals.
- Dairy: Milk, yogurt, or cheese.
In many countries, school meal programs aim to ensure that all children have access to healthy foods, particularly in low-income areas. These meals can be provided for free or at a reduced cost to eligible students. Additionally, school meal programs often align with nutritional guidelines to promote healthy eating habits and combat issues like childhood obesity.