What is a recurring theme? In a story such as this and the story is the cat hater when Samuel was a kid his family had a dog. It wasn't a purebred or anything just a mutt, but Samuel's family loved it very much. They owned the one dog, but they loved dog dogs every dog they saw when they would take them to the dog park Samuel and all of his members of the family would pet every dog they saw, and scratched him behind the ears, and say things like aren't you beautiful, but there was something else they all agreed on two cats were terrible for reasons. No one knew Samuel family was one of those families that love dogs, but hated cats and so Samuel grew up hating cats too when Samuel was 18 he left home for college and still he hated cats, Samuel, and his friend Max rented an apartment in college One night they were watching TV when Matt said there is something wrong with this apartment it just doesn't feel right without an animal. I think we should get a cat. Samuel agreed that I didn't feel right without an animal and he knew that dogs weren't allowed in the apartment but he hated cats so he said you can get one if you want, but I'm not paying for anything so that bought a cat and named it Misty and Samuel refused to help take care of it. Still, he was around the cat a lot after a few weeks, he began to like it when the cat would rub her head on Samuel's leg, and he liked how she stopped and pounced on roaches within two months. Samuel thought Misty was one of the greatest animals in history. He was sure his family would make fun of him when they found out , so what is a recurring thing in the story would it be? It is important to hold the same opinions as one family or a person should form his his or her own opinions or no one can like both dogs and cats equally or once a person has an opinion, he or she should never change it .
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