The person you're describing seems to embody a blend of several distinct characteristics:
Apathetic: This suggests a level of indifference or lack of emotional engagement towards events or situations, possibly indicating that they do not get easily affected by highs and lows.
Exorvted: It seems you might be referring to "extroverted." If this is the case, it implies that the person is outgoing and energized by social interactions, even if they exhibit apathy towards specific issues.
Good at Figuring Out Intentions: This suggests a high level of social intelligence or emotional intelligence. Such a person can read social cues and understand the motivations behind others' actions.
Pragmatic Optimist: This indicates a balanced worldview, where the person is realistic about challenges but still maintains a hopeful perspective about outcomes.
Putting these traits together, you might describe this individual as a socially perceptive extrovert who, while somewhat indifferent to emotional extremes, navigates social situations with a practical and hopeful mindset. They may approach life with a calm detachment, analyzing situations rationally while also possessing an innate ability to understand and connect with others, ultimately allowing them to maintain a positive outlook.
Overall, this combination could make them an effective communicator and a reliable friend, capable of offering both grounded advice and support when needed, all while maintaining a certain emotional distance.