According to Step 1, the person is supposed to analyze and document various aspects of the performance space or setting, focusing on the material signifiers that affect the relationship between the stage and the auditorium. Specifically, the person should:
Measure and Note the Size: Record the dimensions of both the stage and the auditorium, including their distances and relative positions to each other.
Identify the Type of Stage: Specify the type of staging used in the performance (e.g., proscenium, thrust, or arena) and note how this affects audience interaction and visibility.
Examine the Set Design: Observe and document details about the set, including what elements are visible or hidden before the performance starts. Consider how the set design is presented to the audience before the action begins.
Analyze Audience Space Utilization: Note whether and how actors may utilize audience space during the performance. This could include any interactions with the audience or movement into the audience area.
By completing these tasks, the person will create a comprehensive understanding of the staging and its implications for the performance and audience experience.