The hippie one could also be
Name Me Man
What is a palindrome that means excitement.
What is a palindrome for Old cats who are forgetful (2 words)
What is a palindrome for a hippie with no name (what would he say?)
A palindrome for intelligent male sheep (2 words)
What is a palindrome for celebrity rodents?
Palindromes read the same forwards and backwards.
The only ones I see right off are
smart rams
star rats
how many palindromes are there in the 3 times table list them
smart rams
pop or DAD : for the hippy
Senile felines
Rats' Star
Thank you but the hippie one is three words. Thanks for the other ones.
This is what I found at palindromelist. c o m for the hippie one.
Name no one man.
Name none man.
4 answers
very old kitties
You said Senile felines, and Senile felines came to my mind to. Bob is also a palindrome.
"A" is a palindrome as well, because it is read "A" forwards, and "A" backwards.