By those definitions, the U.S. and Canada are not nation states because our populations are not homogeneous. We both have many immigrants and first and second generations of immigrants.
What is a nation-state and how does it relate to America?
10 answers
how is it significant to american history? is it because the countries that invaded America wanted to make it into a nation state by converting the natives?
A bigger significance is that America welcomed immigrants throughout most of its history. Some nation-states do not want immigrants.
sorry it posted many times. I don't know how.
by American history, I mean the age of exploration. It was very diverse until the europeans came and started converting wasn't it?
Yes. The American continent had a very diverse population until the Europeans invaded. However, the Europeans weren't very successful at converting the natives. It wasn't until after the settlers spread west and took over the land between the Atlantic and Pacific that the native cultures almost disappeared.
so is that is related to nation state. Am i correct?
thank you
You're welcome.