what is a meme in black panther that can be used as exigence, audience, and constraints?

1 answer

It appears you're asking about the rhetorical situation, which includes elements of exigence, audience, and constraints, in relation to a meme from the movie "Black Panther." In rhetorical theory, these elements are:

1. Exigence: a problem or situation that prompts someone to write or speak.
2. Audience: those who are the intended recipients of the message within the communication process.
3. Constraints: factors that limit or shape the communication process and the rhetorical response.

A meme that could fit into these parameters might stem from a well-known line or scene from "Black Panther." One of the most famous lines is "Wakanda Forever," which comes to represent pride, unity, and the advanced, secret African nation's spirit. Here's how it might break down in terms of rhetorical situation:

**Exigence**: The desire to express affiliation with the themes and values of "Black Panther" (like Afrofuturism, unity, defiance), or to respond to a social issue related to the movie's themes (such as representation in media, cultural identity, etc.).

**Audience**: The audience could be fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, advocates for racial equality and representation, or a broader audience engaged in contemporary cultural discussions that the movie touches on.

**Constraints**: Constraints might include the meme format itself, which necessitates brevity and simplicity; social media platforms' norms and limitations; the movie's intellectual property rights; and the cultural knowledge required to understand the meme's context.

A meme using "Wakanda Forever," for instance, could be used to rally support around a cause, to create a sense of community among viewers, or to call out instances of social injustice, thus serving as an exigence. The audience would be those familiar with and moved by the film. Constraints might include the need to respect the nuanced portrayal of African cultures in the movie and the challenge of expressing complex ideas through a simple meme format.

In creating the meme, one would have to consider these constraints, what might resonate with the intended audience, and the urgency or demand (exigence) that motivates creating and sharing the meme in the first place.