What is a Junebug?

3 answers

A Junebug is a common name used to refer to a variety of different insects, primarily the beetles belonging to the species known as Phyllophaga. These beetles are typically found in North America and are known for their large size and bright colors. Junebugs are often associated with the summer months, particularly the month of June, hence their name. They are known to be attracted to lights and can often be seen flying around porch lights or swarm around sources of light during the evenings.
why are they called Junebugs?
Junebugs are called so because they are commonly observed and most active during the month of June. This is when they emerge from the ground as adult beetles after spending several months as larvae underground. They mate and fly around during the evenings, and their presence is particularly noticeable during this time of the year. Hence, they became popularly referred to as Junebugs. It is important to note that Junebugs can refer to various different beetle species, so their precise identification may vary.