What is a High Performance Team (HPT)? can someone give me a few examples.
5 answers
First described in detail by the Tavistock Institute, Great Britain, in the 1950s, HPTs gained popular acceptance in the United States by the 1980s, with adoption by organizations such as General Electric, Boeing, Digital Equipment Corporation (now HP), and others. In each of these cases, major change was created through the shifting of organizational culture, merging the business goals of the organization with the social needs of the individuals. Often in less than a year, HPTs achieved a quantum leap in business results in all key success dimensions, including customer-, employee-, shareholder- and operational value-added dimensions
Definition: Human Performance Technology (HPT), a systematic approach to improving productivity and competence
Note: the information posted by Bryce is taken directly from Wikipedia.
Note: the information posted by Bryce is taken directly from Wikipedia.
please don't block me. i was only trying to help.
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