What is a great topic to do a research paper on and apply statistics?

2 answers

Self Mutilation
--International Child Trafficking Laws/development of laws

-- Development of Women's Rights in the US

-- History of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict

-- Progression of Birth Control options for women in the US

-- an analysis of education differences depending on race/gender/nationality/location in the US

-- deities in Ancient Egypt

-- the role that media plays in self-esteem issues of grade school children

-- Midwife vs. doctor: A birthing choice

-- Comparisons amongst different religions

-- Role that Alcohol plays on college campuses

-- Education in single gender schools vs coed schools

-- Reconciliation as a foreign policy

-- History of the Dirty War in Argentina

-- The theories of Nonviolence vs the theories of Violence

-- King Henry the VIII: the King that changed England

-- Winston Churchill and Machiavelli: A comparison case study

-- Machiavelli and Today's Foreign Policymakers

-- Capital Punishment: For or against.

-- Abortion: pro-life or pro-choice or apathetic

-- The Question: your thoughts on whether it is a choice, genetic or what not (can be tricky and offensive, tread lightly)

-- Gun Control: For or Against, history of gun control regulations

-- Immigration

-- the War in Iraq

-- the situation in Ethiopia and Somalia

-- the situation in Darfur

-- the history of violence in Nepal

-- the genocide in Rwanda

-- The TRC in South Africa (an excellent topic)

-- the Caste System in India

-- World Exploration and Imperialism

-- Behind the Veil: an in depth study of the practice of Hijab in Islam

-- Commercialism

-- Free trade products vs. mass production

-- Impact that media has on perception of world politics

-- Poverty

-- Rights of Homeless in America

-- Trade agreements between US and others

-- Puerto Rico: Should they be part of the Union or not?

-- Grieving in the 21st Century

-- Why Americans are so Obese? Link to the fast food industry

-- The nuclear era: history of the cold war

-- Hiroshima

-- role of prostitutes near military installations etc...

-- Children having children: A history of child brides and child pregnancy