You'll need to define in your own mind what you mean by pan-Arabism. These sites should give you some ideas.
Do you want to represent pan-Arabism visually -- as in a poster?
what is a good way to represent pan arabism
12 answers
yeah we need to make a political cartoon
Then you need to decide what you want to say. I suggest you take an idea from the last site.
could i summarize pan arabism by saying that it is a group of Arabian countries that help each other, similar to the european union?
Right -- but notice the shift in emphasis from years ago and today.
who introduced pan arabism
and would it be appropriate to depict them drawing a map of the countries in that region for my political cartoon
and would it be appropriate to depict them drawing a map of the countries in that region for my political cartoon
If I were doing this political cartoon, I'd draw two panels.
I'd label one 1960s and have a few representatives of different nations, waving national flags. The caption could be, "Unite! Get rid of the despotic American tyrants!"
The other picture I'd label "Arab Spring," with similar representatives. The caption could be, "Unite! Get rid of the despotic Arabic tyrants!"
I'd label one 1960s and have a few representatives of different nations, waving national flags. The caption could be, "Unite! Get rid of the despotic American tyrants!"
The other picture I'd label "Arab Spring," with similar representatives. The caption could be, "Unite! Get rid of the despotic Arabic tyrants!"
what is "Arab spring"
Please read the sites I posted for you!
oh ok
thanks a lot
thanks a lot
You're welcome.