Here are the answers to your questions:
Question 1: What is a democracy?
- Answer: system of government in which people hold power.
Question 2: What is the main difference between a pure democracy and a republic?
- Answer: In a democracy, people vote directly on laws, but in a republic, people elect representatives who make laws.
Question 3: Which is an example of a democratic republic?
- Answer: United States.
Question 4: How is Britain's modern parliamentary system similar to a republic?
- Answer: Decision-makers are elected by the citizens.
Question 5: How are democracies and dictatorships different?
- Answer: In a democracy, people have a say in government, while in a dictatorship they do not.
Question 6: How are dictatorships and totalitarian governments related?
- Answer: A totalitarian government is an extreme form of dictatorship.
Question 7: Which is an example of a dictatorship?
- Answer: North Korea.
Question 8: How are parliamentary monarchies and constitutional monarchies similar?
- Answer: Both have monarchs whose power is restricted in some way.
Question 9: In a theocracy, which person is most likely to hold political power?
- Answer: religious leader.