What is a blue whales habitat. The blue whale lives up to 80 to 90 years! Making it the oldest living marine mammals. According to national geographic "Scientists can estimate their age by counting the layers of wax-like earplugs collected from deceased whales. The oldest blue whale found using this method was around 110 years old". Thats a long time!
How do blue whales communicate? Blue whales utilize a combination of loud, high-frequency noises and deep melodic tones for communication. These vocalizations, known as whale songs, serve various purposes such as interacting with other whales, attracting breeding partners, locating members of their pod, and alerting others to potential threats. Blue whales possess one of the most powerful vocal capabilities in the animal kingdom, with their sounds capable of traveling up to 1,000 miles to be heard by other whales under favorable oceanographic conditions.The blue whale eats plankton, krill, fish, copepod, birds and land mammls. Every two or three years, a mother blue whale gives birth to a big baby, which weighs as much as three tons and measures as long as 23 feet. Thats realy long; longer than me!
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