What is:

7.9+ 0.03?
or can you explain to me how to work this problem out?

19 answers

First, line up the decimal points.

Wait, That's not the answer is it?
Yes. Think of money. You have 7 dollars and 90 cents. You find three cents. Now how much do you have?

Also -- check out Google's answer.

Wow! Thanks! Really helped me a lot! I'm not gonna lie.
You are welcome. :-)
Also, One more question. What is:
And, What does it take to become a tutor on Jiskha?
The first thing I told you on the other problem was _____?

Jiskha tutors are adults with at least one four-year college degree. In addition, they must post good answers on Jiskha regularly for a few weeks.
You seem to have a reading problem.
Ooops. You told me to line up the decimal points:

+ 1.27
Is it something about the emoji that you don't like?
The emoji is fine.
Ok, can you just help me with the question, please?
I don't have enough time for this test. My parents are going to come home expecting my homework to get done! I need to study!! Help me pleaseeeee......
+ 1.27

Why isn't the last decimal point lined up?

Now add.
Here's a third grade addition explanation and practice.

Oof. Nevermind, I guessed, Submitted and got a 100% Thanks very much, Ms. Sue!!!!!!
You're welcome.
Please have confidence in your abilities.
I will, You are a GREAT teacher! :D