To multiply these terms, we can multiply the coefficients and combine like terms with the same variables.
The coefficient is 4 * -7 = -28.
The variable a has a exponent of 6 and there is no a term in the second expression, so the final exponent is 6.
The variable b has an exponent of 5 in the first expression and 7 in the second expression. When multiplying, we add the exponents, so the final exponent is 5 + 7 = 12.
The variable c has an exponent of 4 in the first expression and 6 in the second expression. When multiplying, we add the exponents, so the final exponent is 4 + 6 = 10.
Putting it all together, the final expression is -28a^6b^12c^10.
What is 4a^6b^5c^4⋅−7b^7c^6 ?
1 answer