To convert the decimal 4.65 to a fraction, we can break it down as follows:
- First, separate the whole number from the decimal. The whole number is 4.
- The decimal part, 0.65, can be converted to a fraction.
To convert 0.65 to a fraction:
- 0.65 is the same as 65/100 (since there are two decimal places).
- Next, we simplify 65/100 by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 65 and 100, which is 5.
So: \[ \frac{65 \div 5}{100 \div 5} = \frac{13}{20} \]
Now, we can combine the whole number and the fraction: \[ 4 + \frac{13}{20} = 4 \frac{13}{20} \]
So, 4.65 as a fraction in simplest form is \(4 \frac{13}{20}\).
From the options given:
- 4 13/20 is the correct answer.