What is 3721 divided by 38 with a whole number remainder and show your work?

1 answer

To divide 3721 by 38 and find a whole number quotient and remainder, we can follow these steps:

  1. Perform the Division: We calculate how many times 38 can fit into 3721.

    First, we can estimate:

    • 38 goes into 372 approximately 10 times, since \( 38 \times 10 = 380 \) which is too high.
    • Let's try a bit lower, like 9: \( 38 \times 9 = 342 \).
    • This is a reasonable estimate, but we can try more values.

    Now let's calculate it step by step:

    \[ 3721 \div 38 \approx 97.42 \]

    So the whole number portion of that division is 97.

  2. Multiply the Quotient by the Divisor: We find out how much of 3721 is accounted for by this quotient:

    \[ 38 \times 97 = 3676 \]

  3. Calculate the Remainder: We subtract the product from the original number to find the remainder.

    \[ 3721 - 3676 = 45 \]

  4. Final Result: Therefore, when you divide 3721 by 38, the quotient is 97 and the remainder is 45.

In summary:

\[ 3721 \div 38 = 97 \quad \text{R} 45 \]

Thus, 3721 divided by 38 gives a quotient of 97 with a remainder of 45.