To convert 12.8 to a fraction, we need to consider the decimal places. Since there is one decimal place (after 8), we can express it as a fraction with a denominator of 10.
12.8 = 12 8/10
Simplifying the fraction:
12 8/10 = 12 4/5
Therefore, the answer is 12 and 4/5.
What is 12.8 converted to a fraction? The answer should be given in simplest form.
Answer choices:
12 and 2 over 25
12 over 8
12 and 4 over 5
12 and 8 over 10
5 answers
What is 0.75 converted to a fraction? The answer should be given in simplest form.
Answer choices:
7 over 5
75 over 100
3 over 40
3 over 4
Answer choices:
7 over 5
75 over 100
3 over 40
3 over 4
To convert 0.75 to a fraction, we can see that it has two decimal places (after 7 and 5). Therefore, we can express it as a fraction with a denominator of 100.
0.75 = 75/100
Since both the numerator and denominator have a common factor of 25, we can simplify the fraction further.
75/100 = (75 รท 25)/(100 รท 25) = 3/4
Therefore, the answer is 3/4.
0.75 = 75/100
Since both the numerator and denominator have a common factor of 25, we can simplify the fraction further.
75/100 = (75 รท 25)/(100 รท 25) = 3/4
Therefore, the answer is 3/4.
Marcus is making granola mix. He needs 6.125 cups of granola. His measuring cups are only in fractions. How many cups is 6.125 in fraction form? Simplify, if possible.
6 and 125 over 1,000
6 and 5 over 4
6 1 over 25
6 and 1 over 8
6 and 125 over 1,000
6 and 5 over 4
6 1 over 25
6 and 1 over 8
To convert 6.125 to a fraction, we need to consider the decimal places. Since there are three decimal places (after 6, 1, and 2), we can express it as a fraction with a denominator of 1000.
6.125 = 6 125/1000
Simplifying the fraction:
6 125/1000 = (6 ร 1000 + 125) / 1000 = 6125/1000
To further simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 125:
6125/1000 = (6125 รท 125) / (1000 รท 125) = 49/8
Therefore, the answer is 6 and 1/8.
6.125 = 6 125/1000
Simplifying the fraction:
6 125/1000 = (6 ร 1000 + 125) / 1000 = 6125/1000
To further simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 125:
6125/1000 = (6125 รท 125) / (1000 รท 125) = 49/8
Therefore, the answer is 6 and 1/8.