To subtract the fractions 11/18 and 1/3, we need to find a common denominator first. The common denominator of 18 and 3 is 18.
Next, we need to convert 1/3 to have a denominator of 18. To do this, we multiply both the numerator and the denominator of 1/3 by 6. So, 1/3 is equal to 6/18.
Now, we can subtract the fractions.
11/18 - 1/3 = 11/18 - 6/18
To subtract the fractions, we keep the denominator the same and subtract the numerators:
= (11 - 6) / 18
= 5/18
Therefore, 11/18 - 1/3 is equal to 5/18.
What is 11/18 − 1/3 ?
1 answer