The decimal number 0.75 can be converted to a fraction by recognizing that the decimal point is two places to the right. This means we need a denominator of 100 to represent the two decimal places.
So, the answer is 0.75 = 75/100.
However, we can simplify this fraction b dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 25 in this case.
Therefore, the simplest form of 0.75 as a fraction is 75/100, which further reduces to 3/4.
Hence, the correct answer is: Start Fraction 3 over 4 End Fraction.
What is 0.75 converted to a fraction? The answer should be given in simplest form.(1 point) Responses 75 Start Fraction 7 over 5 End Fraction 34 Start Fraction 3 over 4 End Fraction 75100 Start Fraction 75 over 100 End Fraction 340 Start Fraction 3 over 40 End Fraction
1 answer