What incident brought great fear upon all the church? Acts 5: 4 – 11

1 answer

The incident that brought great fear upon the church, as described in Acts 5:4-11, involved Ananias and Sapphira. In this passage, Ananias sold a piece of property and kept back part of the money for himself while claiming to donate the full amount to the apostles. When confronted by Peter, Ananias was accused of lying to the Holy Spirit. He fell down and died after hearing Peter's words. Shortly thereafter, his wife Sapphira came in and, unaware of what had happened, also lied about the amount they had received for the property. She too faced Peter's accusation and fell down dead. This incident caused great fear and reverence among the members of the early church and those who heard about it. The account serves as a stark warning about dishonesty and the seriousness of lying to God.