What impact did your Independent Reading selection have on you as a reader? Would you recommend your selection to a friend? Why or why not? Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from your Independent Reading selection. Be sure to give the title and author of your selection.

What are they talking about when they say the first sentence?


12 answers

What was your reaction to your Independent
Reading Selection? Did you like it? Why or why not? Did you have an emotional reaction to it? Did you learn something from it?
So that's everything I need to answer on the first sentence?
Yes, you need to answer at least one of my questions about it.
so i would put something like
The impact my independent reading selection had on me was i learned how to do something then i give evidence from the book? or give evidence from the book about what is was taught.
Mrs. Sue...?
Guys, you cant answer this question because you don't know what book Mark read, Unless he tells you.
This is what i got but please don't copy it word for word cause if u do then my teacher might think i got hacked or shared my answers

The book that i have been reading is called "Vega and the Fashion Disaster", the impact it had on me as a reader was that it was a long book but it's also a mysterious and magical book. Yes i would recommend this book to a friend if they were into magical and mysterious books such as the one i have been reading! Some evidence i have to show that the book is magical and mysterious is the following, this series is about a student at Starling Academy named Vega! She is at the school to learn about her magic and one day she will get to go to Earth! But Vega also has some person hobbies such as puzzles and in the book it said "I always have loved puzzles of all sorts every since i was a young starling". One magical part that i can remember from the book is about the magical rose garden, "The magical rose garden was a old garden that the school has had for a few years, they had to put teleporters at every dead end so those who are lost can get back safely". - From your Pikachu on cr^ck, Denki Kaminari
Denki did. you. blow. up. the. kitchen. or was it Kachann
Denki help Todroki set the dorms on fire
and I realized Todroki is icy hot.