What impact did the practice of religion have on trans-Saharan trade routes?
The use of Arabic helped with communication on trade routes. The use of Arabic helped with communication on trade routes. The practice of Islam influenced many people to trade in West Africa. The practice of Islam influenced many people to trade in West Africa. Christianity spread through West Africa and influenced people to trade. Christianity spread through West Africa and influenced people to trade. Artifacts specific to the Jewish religion became dominant on Songhai trade routes.
3 answers
The practice of religion had a significant impact on trans-Saharan trade routes in various ways. One major impact was the use of Arabic as a language of communication and trade along the routes. The spread of Islam also influenced many people to engage in trade in West Africa, as it provided a common cultural and religious background for traders. Additionally, Christianity also played a role in influencing trade in the region. Specific artifacts related to the Jewish religion also became prominent on Songhai trade routes, indicating the influence of different religious practices on trade in the region. Overall, religion played a significant role in shaping trade networks and interactions along the trans-Saharan trade routes.
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The practice of Islam influenced many people to trade in West Africa.