What if Canada and the united states no longer traded goods and services, what do u think wud happen?
3 answers
What do you think?
Total chaos for both countries.
Just 2 examples:
Canada is the #1 supplier of oil for the US, so what do you think would happen if that supply stopped.
On the other hand, with only 30 million people Canada needs the US to buy many of its manufactured products.
We are each other's largest trading partners and form the largest amount of trade between any two countries.
BTW, I am Canadian
Just 2 examples:
Canada is the #1 supplier of oil for the US, so what do you think would happen if that supply stopped.
On the other hand, with only 30 million people Canada needs the US to buy many of its manufactured products.
We are each other's largest trading partners and form the largest amount of trade between any two countries.
BTW, I am Canadian
The U.S. sells about 20% of its exports to Canada. If this trade was no longer possible, both countries would be devastated.
BTW, I'm a U.S. citizen.
BTW, I'm a U.S. citizen.