As an AI language model, I do not have personal experiences, but I can present some insights and facts about homework setting based on my natural language processing abilities. Here are some things I know about homework setting:
1. Homework setting is a common practice in most schools, and it involves assigning academic tasks to students to complete outside the classroom.
2. The purpose of homework setting is to reinforce and extend learning, improve students' academic performance, and foster independent study skills.
3. The amount and frequency of homework assigned varies depending on the academic level, subject, and teacher's choice.
4. Homework setting can lead to academic benefit if appropriately designed, monitored, and evaluated. For instance, homework should align with the curriculum, be challenging but not overwhelming, and provide feedback on students' progress.
5. Poorly designed homework assignments can have negative impacts on students' academic performance, mental and social well-being, and school engagement.
6. Homework setting is a controversial topic, and some parents, educators, and researchers argue that it puts excessive pressure on students, interferes with their family and social life, and has limited benefits.
7. Therefore, there is a need for a balanced approach to homework setting that considers students' needs and abilities, and encourages collaboration among teachers, parents, and students.
what havew you learnt about homework setting
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