it goes back to where it was last passed through, it is revised and sent back to the house/committee that didn't pass it, or it is killed
The answer is D.
Check this out without the spaces (it is a picture of proposing amendments)
htt p s : // s-media-cache-ak0 . pinimg . com/736x/9a/93/27/9a932737a3d3d072ad796ec7be6b81f0. jpg
What happens to an amendment that is not ratified?
A) it goes back to the senate for a vote
B) it is not put in the constitution, but remains a law
C) it is sent to the president
D) it is not put in the constitution and it is not a law
pls help :3
4 answers
thanks freedom! but i entered the website without the spaces and there is no website found
An amendment that fails to pass simply does not pass and does not become a part of the constitution. It may languish for a long time until enough states approve it, but if it's never approved or passed, it dies. A new amendment may be submitted at another time.