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What happend to African Americans'civil rights during wilsons presidnetry?
2 answers
The whole article is very interesting. He was more involved with economics and World War I, it seems, and he finally had to capitulate in terms of women's right to vote.
Here's also this section:
I don't believe African-Americans' civil rights were fought for until after (and possibly during) WWII. So I guess you could say that during Wilson's Presidency, their civil rights weren't much better than when their ancestors were slaves.
The whole article is very interesting. He was more involved with economics and World War I, it seems, and he finally had to capitulate in terms of women's right to vote.
Here's also this section:
I don't believe African-Americans' civil rights were fought for until after (and possibly during) WWII. So I guess you could say that during Wilson's Presidency, their civil rights weren't much better than when their ancestors were slaves.