What factors should a courting couple consider when deciding whom to tell about their courtship?

Whom should you tell about your courtship? That is for you to decide as a couple. Early in the relationship, you may consider limiting the number of people you tell. (Prov. 17:27) By doing so, you may avoid unnecessary pressure and questions. However, if you do not tell anyone, you might end up isolating yourselves for fear that others will find out. This can be dangerous. So it would be wise at least to inform those who can provide good advice and practical assistance. (Prov. 15:22) For example, you could tell certain family members, mature friends, or Christian elders.

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1 answer

When deciding whom to tell about your courtship, it's important to strike a balance. Consider sharing the news with a few trusted individuals, like family members or mature friends, who can offer wise counsel and support (Proverbs 15:22). This way, you can avoid unnecessary pressure while still having a support system. Remember, it’s about building a strong foundation together and seeking guidance as you grow in your relationship.