Are you sure you have the correct author and title?
I found nothing written by John Updike entitled "Son."
What examples could represent a conflict in "Son" by Updike?
5 answers
Yes, I'm correct. I read it in my literature book. Thus, now I need to identify some of the conflicts. It is a short story.
All short stories have conflicts.
Conflicts could include the character wrestling with himself in terms of conflicting desires, morals, or goals.
They could include the character in conflict with other people in the story.
Conflicts of man against nature probably does not apply to Updike's work.
Conflicts could include the character wrestling with himself in terms of conflicting desires, morals, or goals.
They could include the character in conflict with other people in the story.
Conflicts of man against nature probably does not apply to Updike's work.
Therefore, in "Son" the conflicts are person vs. person right?
I don't know since I haven't read the story -- and know nothing about it.
However, I'd also look for conflict within the main character.
However, I'd also look for conflict within the main character.