What event causes the group to suspect that the fascists are expecting them to attack?
1. They spot an unusually large number of aircraft.
A. They spot an unusually large number of aircraft.
B. Unusual troop movements are observed.
C. A defector tells him he has heard rumors to that effect.
D. The fascists have withdrawn from a key area.
2. Which of the following best describes Andres' difficulties and the entire war in general?
A. Sloppy, stupid, and inept actions by individuals continually ruin the best plans and intentions.
B. Personal heroism is constantly stymied by poor luck.
C. The dedication of the enemy soldiers to their cause far outweighs the dedication of the their soldiers to their cause.
D. Cowardice runs throughout the forces of both sides.
3. In the end, Jordan is left fight heroically to the end. For what cause is he primarily fighting then?
A. To defeat communism.
B. To defeat fascism.
C. To help Maria escape.
D. To blow up the bridge no matter what.
I have read the book, but I am having second thoughts about my answers to these questions. Am I correct? Thank you.
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