What ethical issues are associated with the therapies/technologies?

I know some do not beleive in blood transfusions but what other things can i look for?

1 answer

Current, the "holistic" movement is causing a lot of really sick people to die, and to cause a lot of hypochondriacs to get better.


The "Homeopathic" folks are mostly modern quacks. Most of them seem to have "Dr" attached to their name, not Medicine, but chiropractic, dispensing wonder drugs (nutritional aids) and food supplements.

Now in the world of Medicine,
obesity therapy (the band..)
cosmetic surgery ( jobs for teens)
ADDH treatment in general (drugs for undisciplined kids?)
gender changes
alternative cancer treatments (many here)

and many others. All of these are with controversy, you can Google the details.
I recently saw an ad for acupuncture treatment for cancer. Wonderful.