What does Tammy’s family build every Halloween?
a haunted house
a maze of pumpkins
an obstacle course
a hay maze
What main problem does Tammy’s family have?
Their Halloween maze doesn’t have good pumpkins.
The Little Acres Farm cannot compete with larger farms.
No one wants to visit their “Haunted Maze” this year.
Tammy stole a pumpkin from Mr. Shelby.
Tammy’s family is worried about the Shelby Farm hay maze. What evidence from the passage supports this conclusion?
Mr. Shelby questions Tammy about why she is at his farm.
Tammy’s father sends Tammy to get information about Shelby Farm.
People who visit Little Acres complain about the lack of pumpkins.
Tammy suggests that they make their hay maze bigger than the Shelbys’.
4Read the following sentences: “When she got to the farm, Mr. Shelby was staring at piles of hay in front of the barn. He was scratching his head and looking confused. In his hand was a bright orange pumpkin.”
Based on this information, what can you conclude about Mr. Shelby?
He does not know where the hay came from.
He does not know why he is holding a pumpkin.
He is tired and does not want to work anymore.
He doesn’t know how to build a hay maze.
What is a main message of the story?
Sometimes it’s better to work together than to compete with each other.
Pumpkins are the most important decoration on Halloween.
You should never steal something from a person’s hands.
Owning and running a family farm is hard work.
6Read the following sentences: “‘Well,’ said Tammy. ‘Sort of. But…I thought maybe yours were…’ She stalled for a minute, not wanting to lie, but not knowing what to say. ‘More orange?’”
As used in this sentence, what does “stalled” most nearly mean?
told the truth
yelled out loud
told a lie
7Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below.
_________ of competing against each other, Little Acres and Shelby Farm agree to work together.
In closing
7 answers
1. (What does Tammy’s family build every Halloween?) A hay maze
2. (What main problem does Tammy’s family have?) Their Halloween maze doesn't have good pumpkins.
3. (Tammy’s family is worried about the Shelby Farm hay maze. What evidence from the passage supports this conclusion?) Tammy's father sends Tammy to get information about the Shelby Farm.
4. (Read the following sentences: “When she got to the farm, Mr. Shelby was staring at piles of hay in front of the barn. He was scratching his head and looking confused. In his hand was a bright orange pumpkin.”) He doesn't know how to build a hay maze.
5. (What is a main message of the story?) Sometimes it's better to work together than to compete with each other.
6. (Read the following sentences: “‘Well,’ said Tammy. ‘Sort of. But…I thought maybe yours were…’ She stalled for a minute, not wanting to lie, but not knowing what to say. ‘More orange?’” As used in this sentence, what does “stalled” most nearly mean?) Delayed
7. (_________ of competing against each other, Little Acres and Shelby Farm agree to work together.) Instead
8. (Why is Tammy’s family worried about Shelby Farm’s hay maze?) Tammy's family is worried about Shelby Farm's hay maze because they think Shelby Farm's hay maze may take away their business.
9. (What trade does Tammy’s father make with Mr. Shelby?) Tammy's father and Mr. Shelby's trade consisted of going back over to the farm and teaching him how to make a haunted hay maze.
10. (Explain why it is better for Little Acres and Shelby Farm to work together on the hay maze, instead of competing against each other.) It's better for Little Acres and Shelby Farm to work together on the hay maze because they can combine their strengths, Little Acres knows how to make a great maze and Shelby Farm has great pumpkins.
(Hope this helps)