What does Mignolo conceptualise Mordenity and coloniality in the book the darker side of mordernity

1 answer

In the book "The Darker Side of Modernity," Walter Mignolo conceptualizes modernity as a Western European construct that perpetuates coloniality – the ongoing domination and exploitation of non-Western societies. He argues that modernity is not a universal and linear progression towards progress and development, but rather a flattened version of history that erases and marginalizes the experiences and knowledge of non-European cultures.

Mignolo also discusses how coloniality continues to shape global power structures and perpetuate inequalities and injustices. He emphasizes the need to decolonize knowledge and perspectives in order to challenge and dismantle these systems of oppression. Overall, Mignolo's conceptualization of modernity and coloniality in the book highlights the interconnectedness of history, power, and culture, and calls for a critical reexamination of Western-centric narratives of progress and civilization.